I am LOVIN' this weather. Crisp, blue-skied, sunny days, cool, dry evenings making sleep ever so much harder to shake from (for me and my cranky, non-morning-people kids...apple doesn't fall far from the tree); why can't we stay in this delightful limbo?? Why, oh why did we all settle in New Jersey where within a few short months we will be padded over with down jackets & fleece, tromping through slushy puddles of melting snow. Oh how I love Autumn...oh how I detest Winter.
So I'm not gonna even think of that. Won't even entertain the notion of the Future. Will keep my constantly whirling head where my overly, animated feet are and just be PRESENT. Oh please, that's just utter crap. Do you know how hard that is for me? I mean really, it's even hard for me to write, let alone try and live by. I just have so many exciting things PINGING through my brain! MNO Menus and Holiday parties, subway tiles orders and reclaimed wood installations...to say nothing of kids Halloween costume requests, Bake Sales for their CCD requirements and requests for new sneakers
'cause their old ones had a blow out. There is just too much to think about and plan. Too much sh*t to get done and not enough brain power for us all to figure out how we are going to get Alfie to chess practice (what a nerd that Alfie), Maisy to gymnastics and in between whip up a healthy, fresh and thoughtful meal for my kids (let alone try and get them all together to eat it).
So I'm gonna cross one thing off that list. I got dinner covered. Parmesan Crusted Chicken Cutlets over Penne Marinara. Citrus Shrimp & Pesto Pasta with veggies. Italian Wedding Soup. Buffalo Chicken Fingers. Veal & Ricotta Meatballs.
STOP. THE. MADNESS. That's like lunch and dinner for three days YO. That's right. And that's why The Catch-y Caterer is blowing up like your Aunt Edna's ass at Thanksgiving after eating all that pumpkin bread...and on that note, PUMPKIN BREAD comes BACK TO TOWN next week at MNO!!!
Who loves you?? That's right. I do.