SHAZAM. It was just one of those weekends...

SHA-ZAM it was just one of those weekends. 
Sunny, crisp, Fall mornings. Watched my little buggers dart around the soccer fields laying a smack down on their opponents while alternatively scoring goals (Frankie) and saving them (Billy) - wa-mother-freakin hoooo! Got my dull, sad, massively neglected hair highlighted by my KICK *SS colorist Matthew (who is now working at HARU, book your appointment ASAP people to look as blond and cheery as I do, he is awesome sauce). Enjoyed the most fun, fabulous night with friends on Saturday before launching HEAD LONG into the picnic of ALL picnics, HHK UnPlugged where we served up spec-TACULAR treats to the masses whilst they turned off their phones, tuned into their kiddos and enjoyed a Chicken Sammie with Pepper Jack and some Chocolate Pudding Cake (well done Dana Koenig for planning it!!). It was as damn near perfect a weekend as there is one. 
Do you ever have those? Times when after stringing together a few days or complete and utter sh*t, the Big Man decides, "you know what, I'm gonna toss this kid a bone and grant her every wish." Yup. That was my weekend. Don't be a hater. I paid for it last week.
So to Pay It Forward and pass it on, I'm gonna tell you what we have in store for you this week. 
First off, a shout out to the woman who makes me look fabulous by dressing me in ALL the right duds - KRISTIN DAHL is having her Opening Night Party on Thursday (just hours after MNO pick up, perfect timing) at her new store in Midland Park!! Starts at 7pm and I will be serving up some tasty CANDY BACON (stop it), spicy Shrimp Tacos with Avocado Salsa & Deep Fried Macaroni & Cheese Bites (shut. the. front. door). Come one. COME ALL! All are welcome! Google the address (it's on Godwin Ave) and get on over there with a friend. Her clothes are off theHizzay...
Second, actually, chronologically it's first but whatever, you get the gist. Our menu this week will blow your MINDDDDD....
Check it out. Order it right the FREAK up. And let us deliver the b*tch to your doorstep so you have one less thing to worry about Thursday. Read down...and be ready to have your mind blown...