catchy. cafe & catering

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a raging success...

wow! what else can i say tonight except THANK YOU.

i am so incredibly grateful for your business.

once again, last wednesday, the first day we launched catchy.'s handmade ice cream at the cafe, my tribe, you all, showed up for me. all 1200 of you who follow my blog. the friends you pass it along to. all the wonderful the facebook mom's pages you post it on. you have taken us viral folks and made our ice cream, our newest venture over here at catchy., a RAGING SUCCESS.

every day last week we were up EIGHTY PERCENT over our typical sales. 80. %. seriously - i can hardly believe that!?! who would have thought some tasty ice cream and the mention of some new menu items would get you all so excited but it did. again and again you all show up at our doorstep, allowing us to feed you, introduce our brainstorms that become reality and you share with me just how exciting it is to have our little business in town. you can't know how much that fills me up.

as you know (from my mentioning it more times than i can count), catchy. has always been my Dream. it may not be big, it may not be fancy, it may not be saving lives or promoting world peace, but this little cafe has changed my life. a quick story: there is nothing brings me more pride than my kids. they fill me up, they make me laugh and they teach me when i'm willing to open myself up and hear it. it was my kids who led me to catchy. four years ago. i realized they needed to know that their mom's dream was important too. yes, dad had a job. he went to work. he brought home a paycheck, and yes, we were all so grateful for it. but mom had something to share with the world too. what started as a side hustle grew and grew, and then took a little turn, morphed and then grew some more. and now today, you don't just see me in my shop, but you see my kids learn right along beside me. that's what catchy. did for my family. not only did it help me prove to myself that anything is possible, but it also allows me to teach my kids that they can do anything too. aim for the sun kids. you are made for more. just like catchy.