2017...she is here.
2017...she is here
man, december was bananas but it was a banner month! the shop celebrated its one year anniversary. the cafe was bustling with sit down lunches, takeout & more online orders from seamless & grubhub than ever before. there were 62 parties, banquets & balls and catchy. did more catering than any other month in our history by 28%! all that anddd I still managed to find time to move that freaking elf every night (okay, every other night) and celebrate our first christmas in our new house. we got some serious sh*t done in december.
but now january is upon us. the kids are back at school. resolutions have been made (by some) and it's time to devote the next month to your taking some time for yourself to get your body (and maybe your mind) to where you want it after devoting everything you had to everyone else in the house. that said, catchy. wants to get in on the change process. personally speaking, after a year of giving everything i've got to this shop, i'm putting myself on the calendar too. i got myself a ten pack of personal training sessions with the legendary ozzy (www.ozfit.com) who's killer workouts are located right in the arena on route 17 south, and i had my very first one-on-one this morning at 5am. le-GIT!! i can't really type much longer as i have no feeling in my arms but i'll give it my best. it's time to prioritize ourselves people and there is no time like the present.
what we have in store for you in the new year is going to blow your mind. think: MORE TIME. AMPLE FOOD CHOICES. HOT HOT HOT. that's all i'm going to give you but suffice is to say if you know how to pick up the phone and call 201.445.6400 when you are stuck at your basketball carpool at around 4:38pm and need delicious, possibly hot (oops, you didn't hear it here) dinner asap for your hungry troops, our new cadre of delivery kids and our chefs will combine to make your dinner time one of the easiest, happiest parts of your day. and that will give you some time to zone into your headspace app (rather than stress about how to feed your family )and meditate or maybe find a way to sneak in 20 minutes upstairs on the treadmill when you get home.
catchy. aims to make this year one of the best for each and every mom & dad who works their tail to the bone. we have been brainstorming to figure our new and innovative ways to give you more time to yourselves or with those kids of yours, rather than having you chained to the stove making dinner. stay tuned. you won't want to miss what we have in store for you.