catchy. cafe & catering

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yup. we did it.

yup. we did it.

this longer hours gig seems to be

taking off quite nicely.

three weeks into our new ten hour days (10am-8pm - WHAT?!?! yes. ten hours: truth.) and word on the street is: LONGER HOURS = HAPPIER MOMS & DADS (and kids enjoying their crispy panko crusted chicken fingers at 7:48pm). see that kid above?? she had them for dinner last night and look at that smile.

i can't lie to you (well, I could...), I love it too. like the rest of you fine peeps, I find myself wedged in my driver's seat for the better part of four hours after school bouncing around from CCD to cross country to dick's sporting goods for new shin guards for my cute little field hockey players and by 7pm, the idea of whipping into a supermarket for ingredients to throw together a healthy dinner is LAST. ON. MY. LIST. YO. so being able to dial up and click on the ONLINE ORDERING BUTTON (yes, it really is that easy, and you can save your info so you don't have to enter it 4,000 times over) brings a smile to my face. what super genius created this heavenly little situation of online ordering and do my children seriously not understand how lucky they are to have it??? we used to have ONE option for takeout in my day and we had to drive down to Poppa Tony's Pizza to pick it up. spoiled rotten i tell you.

with the first days of school behind us (look at that handsome devil on the left ready to take on freshman year) and sports in full swing (yes, those are SENIORS drawing all over their teammates and getting ready to shove off next fall for college - when did that happen?!?), it's getting crazy up in here. i can barely keep it together every september what with the schools jamming not one, but THREE back to school nights at us this month - always dumps me straight on my *ss. thankfully catchy. is open late and delivers TO. YOUR. DOORSTEP. you can order up food for your crew and a few extra salads for yourselves so you have something good to eat when you walk back in the door after that painfully long description of how your kid changes classrooms in seventh grade (we get it, we've been there).

so take advantage of our new longer hours and give yourself a little break. oh, and while I've got you here, don't forget to book your holiday party. with our fourth 100+ event locking up their staff for december, this year promises to be our busiest ever. don't want to be turned down? can't say I blame you. call us at the shop (201.445.6400) or on ur catering line (917.721.9217) and get on our calendar early. you don't need to commit to headcount or a menu but you can reserve your staff and save yourself a headache come a month from now when we are all booked up and you have to choose between your lazy nephew harry & the neighbors kid who can't put her phone down.

catchy. catering: we've got you covered.